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Natural Vitalizer

feel the natural energy

What is substanz?
Eine Flasche substanz-Drink

Why substanz?

substanz delivers long-term energy for hours. Extra-boost for the whole day. All natural, with 30 ingredients that are good for you.

How can I get substanz?

Available online and in exclusive stores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

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natürlicher, gesunder Energy-Drink


The Natural Vitalizer
for energy & health


guaraná ginseng isomaltulose

Regulatpro® Bio
from 12 fruits, nuts and vegetables

Regulatpro Bio from 12 fruits, nuts and vegetables

vitamin-b complex
magnesuim, selenium
vitamin C

grapefruit, quince, sea-buckthorn

grapefruit, quince, sea-buckthorn

hibiscus, melissa

hibiscus, melissa peppermint ginger
Knopf des Schiebereglers
substanz drink contains a bulk of valuable ingredients
Substanz drink gibt Energy für Sport und Freizeit

30 ingredients,

carefully chosen for more energy & wellness

* Information on particular ingredients in substanz® are no evidence for the effects of the recommended daily allowance of one bottle. This information is solely for the purpose of additional informational value of varying dosages of particular ingredients and to its described positive effects. We have prepared this information to the best of our knowledge; however, no responsibility is taken for the correctness of external links and documents.


substanz® combines energy & and health effects in one unique recipe.

Natural Vitalizer with long-term factor

Functional drink with health benefits

substanz® works naturally and long-term, but how? The inimitable energy-mix makes the difference.


The caffeine in the guaraná plant is tied to natural tanning agents that make up about 25% of the plant. This link decomposes the caffeine during digestion and hence increases the effective duration through longer caffeine release – one building block in the long-term complex of substanz®.


Isomaltulose is a functional sugar that is produced via enzymatic treatment from beet sugar. It is the only added sugar and makes up about half of the sugar content in substanz®. The other half is natural sugar from the fruits quince, grapefruit and sea-buckthorn.
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Regulatpro® Bio

This functional ingredient is manufactured by a patented, biotechnological process consisting of a mix of 12 fruits, nuts and vegetables. In a complex process, the raw materials are fermented. Here, the different components of the 12 raw materials are broken down into smaller molecules resembling a kind of pre-digestion.
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Ginseng root

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) adds a nice aroma and has the favourable side effect that active components in the root complement the energetic drink substanz®. AAFP Info (PDF)

substanz raises up your energy level

The concept of substanz aims at the natural increase of energy levels in cells.

The human body demands energy for all processes. The molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the energy source in every cell of which the human body owns around 100 trillion. Therefore, energy in form of ATP is highly decentralised. The daily energy turnover, in form of the assembly and disassembly of ATP in the body, equals roughly the body mass of a person, for example 80 kg. A remarkable task every human needs to perform daily. Enzymes (before: ferments) support the process by lowering the activation energy – the energy to start a reaction – and hence limit the necessary energy input. The process of cascade fermentation™, used for the production of Regulatpro® Bio, takes those essential processes as an example to develop natural, supporting products with the same principle.
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Substanz im Büro

substanz® ice-cold is a healthy alternative to coffee and snacks. substanz® is also enjoyable sparkling, mixed 1:1 with mineral water. Drinking it hot, substanz® resembles an „energy tea“.

Substanz beim Sport

substanz® is the ideal supplement for sports, for example as a workout-booster before training or as an energy source during running.

Substanz für draußen

substanz® is great in the mix as well and convinces with naturalness and functionality.

The founder of Acofunktion GmbH

Who is behind substanz®?

The will of a young team to connect traditional wisdom with new, functional and natural health- and lifestyle-food combined with the experience of 75 years of research & development at our partner company Dr. Niedermaier Pharma has led to the foundation of acofunktion GmbH.

We are behind it

And the journey goes on...


fr. 1970








How substanz® came around

The starting point was the idea to integrate the licensed ferment Regulatpro® Bio into an innovative functional drink. Together with experts from various areas, we developed and optimised the natural energetic drink substanz® tailored toward the two goals of long-term energy and health.

How it started?
Foundation of
Dr. Niedermaier Pharma
Many decades of research and development in fermentation technologies and the final patenting of cascade fermentation™.
Hour of birth of the ferment Regulatpro® Bio
substanz® as a concept starts to develop
75th anniversary of Dr. Niedermaier Pharma
Start of development of substanz®
Foundation of acofunktion GmbH
Market-ready substanz® combines decades of R&D with the new lifestyle of functional drinks.

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Phone+49 (0) 341 - 125 75 343
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Substanz für Ihr Unternehmen

substanz® is a functional drink with unique attributes. We are happy to supply substanz® to your company. Please get in touch with us.

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Substanz kaufen

Could we convince you of the innovative recipe? Do you see potential at the POS? Please get in touch with us to talk about opportunities.